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Образование Золотой Орды(на английском)

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    25.03.2009 г.
  • Куда сдавалась:
  • Объем работы:
    15 стр.
  • Содержание:
    CHAPTER 1. The Mongols before empire 4
    1.1. The Yaun Dynasty in formation Golden Horde 4
    1.2. Social and economic development of Golden Horde. 6
    CHAPTER 2 Golden Horde is one of great empire Middle Ages 8
    2.1. The role and meaning Genghis Khan in formation of Golden Horde 8
    2.2. External aggressive policy of Golden Horde 10


    1. G. Vernadsky, M. Karpovich: "The Mongols and Russia", Yale University Press, 1953
    2. "Empire of the Golden Horde", The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2001-05.
    3. T. May, "Khanate of the Golden Horde", North Georgia College and State University.
    4."Golden Horde", in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007.
    5. Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on Medieval Russian History By Charles J. Halperin, pg. 111
    6. Edward L. Keenan, Encyclopedia Americana article
    7.B.D. Grekov and A.Y. Yakubovski "The Golden Horde and its Downfall"
    8. Denis Sinor, "The Mongols in the West", Journal of Asian History v.33 n.1 (1999).
    9. Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on Medieval Russian History By Charles J. Halperin, pg.111
    10. A.P.Grigorev and O.B.Frolova-Geographicheskoy opisaniye Zolotoy Ordi v encyclopedia al-Kashkandi-Tyurkologicheskyh sbornik,2001-p. 262-302

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Образование Золотой Орды(на английском)
    Some results, problems and perspectives of study, preservation and use of the Golden Horde relics of the Middle and Lower Volga regions.
    Historical study of archaeological relics of the middle Ages in the Volga region has rich traditions. Nevertheless, the weakest point of this study is the relics at the epoch of Ulus Juichi and the late Golden Horde (Tatar) states of XV – XVIII centuries. It is connected either with objective and subjective reasons. At the same time excavations of relics of the Golden Horde and post Golden Horde states on a large scale are very important to understand problems of ethnic development and culture of native peoples in the Volga and Urals regions, Europe and Asia on the whole. The results of these excavations will provide a supplement to already well-known historical data.
    The Golden Horde - Ulus Juichi is the least successful in this respect. Contemporaries and historians wrote much about political events, wars, Mongolian khans, struggle of conquered peoples against this state. They tried to evaluate its significance in the process of historical development. But the Golden Horde civilization itself has been in the shadow and it hasn't been historically enlightened.
    The Golden Horde archaeology was in rudimentary state till 1950s (with the exception of some research carried by Tereshchenko A.V. in the 40-50s of the XIX century and Ballod F.V. in the 20s of the XX century).
    Golden Horde was one of the largest states of the Middle Ages, which possession were in Europe and Asia. Its military power constantly kept in suspense all neighbours and very long time was challenged by nobody. Monarchs even the remote countries aspired to fasten with it friendship and in every way them to support. The most enterprising merchants overcame huge distances to get to its capital which by right had a reputation for the largest trading base between the East and the West. Travellers and trading caravans, truthful stories and improbable legends about the people occupying Golden Horde, their original customs and a nomadic life, about riches and power of khans correcting here, uncountable herds of cattle and boundless steppes where it was possible not to meet weeks any person worldwide carried.
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